
Legal Notice After Cookies

Google Chrome Announces an End to 3rd Party Cookies


  • Google officially announces plan to phase out 3rd-party cookies by 2022.
  • Most people knew this was coming, but Google Chrome accounts for over half of all downloaded web browser Investing time and energy into maintaining an ad-supported web.


  • Data privacy has been at the forefront of consumers’ minds for years now.
  • Aiming to protect consumer data from data leaks.
  • Response in part to lack of transparency in where personal data streams go across advertisers, networks, and other touchpoints


  • First-party data becomes incredibly valuable for targeting, but are companies willing to give up?
    • Log-ins, newsletter sign-ups, etc.
    • Addressable user volume continuously drops
  • Contextual targeting is increasingly relied upon
    • Companies like comScore
  • Potential bottom line impact
    • In Germany, a similar action by Firefox blocked third-party cookies by default, causing a 23% decline in CPM alongside a 45% decline in revenue.

Why are cookies so important?

Legal Environment Snapshot

Campaign Planning

  • Plan budgets accounting for upcoming changes in media cost throughout the year
  • Consider your audience, stay on top of available capabilities in order to reach strong leads
  • Keep the momentum going! While there will be changes in how media is run, testing will not disappear, leverage new strategies to continue growth and awareness
  • Allow for flexible audience planning taking into account the potential for reduced inventory

Live Media Monitoring and Optimizations

  • Hands-on daily optimizations & close monitoring to ensure campaigns goals are being met & audiences are being reached.
  • Test & Learn media strategy implemented
  • A|B Creative Testing with closely monitored results
  • Continued research & detailed definition of ideal lead/audience


  • Transparency! Changes will impact the way media is planned & run, making comprehensive reporting essential
  • Metrics such as viewability, clickthrough rates, completed form fill-outs/ downloads etc. will still be available
  • Creating custom dashboards to share a better understanding of media performance across teams is more important than ever

Impact on Digital


    • 3rd Party Data (Data Exchange Platforms and Data Providers) Advertiser 1st Party Data outside of the advertiser own website requiring DMP to DSP match
    • Geo-Location Targeting
    • Device Targeting
    • Contextual Targeting
    • Audience targeting volumes will decrease
    • Precision marketing will be challenged
    • The ability to use 1st party data (CRM/DMP) will be limited

Campaign Delivery

    • Campaign optimization based on users’ data like websites visited or previous exposure to a given campaign Frequency Capping which requires 3rd party cookies to understand number of exposures.
    • Campaign optimization not based on the users:
      • Using the delivery context of a current ad opportunity such as data about the website, the placement, the device of the user
      • Using the ad itself such as industry of the advertiser, length of video, size of image, etc.
    • Campaign performance will decrease. Guaranteed outcomes are key!

Programmatic Flows

    • Without cookies – DSPs cannot run targeted ads
    • DSPs cannot provide frequency capping capabilities
    • DSPs can still run contextual ads, geolocation, etc
    • Inventory that does allow cookies will be saturated and more expensive.
    • Figures: Globally, this reflects 25% lower bid prices and 3x less bidding from DSPs


    • Multi-Touch Attribution: the 3rd-party cookie maintains an aggregated view of the user history and events for MTA
    • Cross-Channel Reporting: Without cookies, each of the channels used to track a user will provide different reports in a silo
    • Single Touch Attribution: Only single action (e.g.: last-click) is possible since no user history is used
    • Media Reporting: Metrics such as viewabilty, clicks, completed views, etc. at time of ad delivery
    • Audience Accuracy: Measurement of audience accuracy like DAR or VCE via panelist/profile data with a percentage remaining cookiebased
    • Following the customer journey will be more challenging, inhibiting attribution or proper reporting

The Next 12 Months: Trends & Predictions

Publishers are likely to

  • Provide incentives for users to create accounts
  • Require users to turn on cookies to visit their websites
  • Spend time in trying unique ID solutions in vain

Data providers are likely to

  • See a drop in their revenues, proportional to the cookie-rate
  • Start investing in new solutions: Contextual targeting, InApp data, Signed-on data


  • The cookie-based inventory will become more expensive & competitive
  • DSPs will be increasingly challenged to deliver cookie-targeted campaigns
  • Programmatic is likely to flatten and benefit actors having logged-in traffic (e.g.: Facebook) or end-to-end solutions (supply to buy side – like Teads)

Ad managers and DSPs

  • Will propose new targeting solutions (e.g: welcome back contextual targeting)
  • Lower-funnel/perf will be more & more challenging – especially re-targeting & attribution (less
  • volumes). Upper-funnel / branding will be a strong focus.
  • InApp & logged-in traffic will be heavily used

Alternatives to cookies

  • Fingerprinting techniques will develop
  • IAB is likely to propose a new standard
  • Browsers will lead the way to new changes (e.g.: Chrome)

Brands and DMPs

  • Advertisers 1st-party data will be mostly used for prospecting (lookalike) rather than to directly target the customers/site-visitors


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