marketers discussing campaign results

Generating & Proving Results to Return Investment In-Year


Generate a scalable lead delivery program for a newly-funded firm backed by Private Equity. Through this program, build in a phased process to install law firm capability, test strategies to prove value, and finally, scale the program to generate maximum ROI.

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Partner With Firm

Develop a true partnership with the law firm to establish their goals, preferences, and process.

Stress-Test Intake Process

Implement and test the firm's intake process to ensure all campaign leads are responded to quickly and efficiently.

Test & Optimize Media Strategy

Launch and test proven media tactics to ensure investment dollars are being spent on the most effective strategies.

Deliver Transparent Reporting

Provide all stakeholders with clear campaign reporting to maintain efficient performance communication.


In projected value creation in first 12 months
>$ 0 M
Estimated average lead value
>$ 0 M
Total ROI in first 12 months
0 X

Source: Data sourced from law firm-provided retained lead reports and represents leads and cases generated from July 2023 – July 2024

Outperforming Projected Case Value Averages

With this campaign, we outperformed our average case value estimates by 36%—ultimately reaching a return on the investment in Élan within ~4-6 months.

Average Signed Lead Value: Projected vs. Actual

Source: Data sourced from law firm-provided retained lead reports and represents leads and cases generated from July 2023 – July 2024

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